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RBKC Council want to understand how to better support businesses during COVID-19

Updated: Oct 12, 2020

RBKC Council have announced a Business Survey to better understand exactly how the Council can better support businesses during COVID-19.

RBKC have said:

“The Council has been responding to the various and widespread challenges raised by the COVID-19 emergency. This includes supporting businesses through providing Government support, as well introducing our own measures for those in the borough, including creating a local Business Interruption Fund and help for smaller businesses in Council premises and our market traders.

With this in mind, the Council wants to hear from our businesses and self-employed. With the impact of COVID-19 affecting businesses across the country, we know that it has been a really difficult time for everyone, whether you are a sole trader, small enterprise, or large business.

Protecting your livelihoods is one of our top priorities and we want to know how best we can do that. We have launched our Business Survey, to find out exactly the challenges our businesses have faced and are still facing and to better understand how the Council can help you. This short survey should take no longer than ten minutes to complete and you can access it in this email below/you can fill in and return the survey enclosed in this letter. The closing date for responses is 11 June 2020.”

The more businesses who complete the survey, the better RBKC will be able to respond.


For further business guidance and information, you can visit RBKC’s COVID-19 portal


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